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9 September, 2021

Explanation Letter to Immigration Officer Sample

What is a Letter of Explanation?

Are you planning on immigrating to Canada? Are you a little bothered that a couple of your documents are not in place? Don’t worry! For a number of varied circumstances, it is probably not to have all the documents and Letter of Explanation in place!

However, this is not a cause sufficient to crush your dreams of immigrating to Canada! Lately, a large number of people have been trying to immigrate to Canada for better education, job, lifestyle, or opportunity.

With the inception of globalization, the number of immigrants has also received a boost. There are a number of processes starting right from document verification to health check-ups in order to receive a Canadian PR. Besides all of these, there is the requirement of the LoE! Heard of the LOE?

A letter of Explanation is a formal letter that one can write to the immigration officer with regards to their purpose of shifting to Canada and also explaining why the documents are missing!

So, what is a Letter of Explanation? To put it in simple words, it’s a statement of a reason or a justification for some questions. So the letter of Explanation is a statement about why you want to apply for Canadian PR. We don’t need to give information about our DoB or educational qualifications.

Basically, it does not require you to separately mention your documents or talk about your personal details! It requires a brief discussion about your situation, your future goals, and why you wish to immigrate to Canada.=


The purpose of your visit or the purpose behind wanting to shift to Canada is what you need to discuss in a Letter of Explanation! Now see, we are not known to the Immigration officer.

Very honestly, it is essential to have a good impression and be crystal clear about your motives behind wanting to immigrate to Canada! After making sure that all documents are in place, it is the Immigration officer who decides whether you can have a permanent or temporary residence. What is the good part?

There is no limitation to the number of words that you can write in an LoE! This means that you could write as much as you need to explain your situation!

Most of the information on all VISA applications is pretty close to one another. If all your documents are in place, there shouldn’t be much problem with regards to getting the VISA!

However, the scenario is that Canada cannot accommodate anyone and everyone that applies for immigration! Only a limited number of people can immigrate to Canada every year!

Therefore, who gets the opportunity to immigrate to Canada depends largely on how well you explain yourself in The Letter of Explanation!  

So, to increase the chance of your visa approval, you need to maintain some strategies in our LoE statement.

  • Make sure you write it in proper English and keep it simple and easy to understand! Avoid writing complex sentences or sentences that are rather difficult to understand!
  • Your basic information, including your DOB, Address, and other details, are not required to be mentioned in your LoE since all of those would already have been mentioned in your VISA application! The LoE requires information only about your situation, why you are applying for the visa, your genuine needs, and your future goals.
  • There might be scenarios where you might have to explain how you have had to go through tough times and how those situations have had an impact on your life! Make sure that you do not explain the entire scenario in a completely negative light! Try and maintain a positive attitude throughout the letter.
  • Be clear about the time frame! What does this mean? It is possible that the Immigration officer will read your letter 10-15 days after you’ve written it! Make sure that the way you write your letter of Explanation is easy to correlate with a timeframe that is relatable to the Officer!

The Government of Canada offers different types of visas according to the needs of the applicant. The types of VISA include but are not limited to student visas, Tourist visas, Diplomat visas, etc. the statement of LoE changes depending upon the type of VISA.

For example, if your wife or husband wishes to live with you in Canada, you could easily apply for a spouse visa or legal relationship visa from the Canadian Government. However, the Letter of Explanation for a Spouse visa is a little different from others.

A few more additional pieces of information are required to be mentioned in The Letter of Explanation that is submitted along with the application for a spouse VISA. 

These additional pieces of information would be: 

  1. There will have to be a clear mention of the exact relationship status between you and your partner, along with all legal documents!
  2. Why they need your support and how you plan on supporting them!
  3. Statement of your financial condition, which will support your credibility to take responsibility for others. 
  4. Current situation and condition of the applicant along with the other needs.

So, What does the Letter of Explanation look like?

Here we have shown an example of how one should write a letter of Explanation!

  • {Your name}
  • {Your address}
  • {Your phone Number}

Subject: Letter of Explanation – {Appropriate Section}

Attached: (1) {document name 1}, (2) {document name 2}, (3) {document name 3} {City, Date}

Dear Officer,

Immigrating to Canada has now become very easy. Any immigration consultant near Surrey or Calgary can help you to provide a hassle-free immigration process to become a Canadian citizen.


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